Most people will probaly know by now that Deadpool (or Wade Wilson) made an appearence in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the "Merc with the Mouth" was portrayed by Ryan Reynolds, which is why many fans suspected that perhaps a Deadpool spin-off was in the works.
Well, all of the people that sat through Wolverine bitching and moaning about how their favourite mercenery didn't get enough time on screen can now rejoice! Or... can they? I'm all for getting pysched up about spin off's and sequels, but despite the fact that there's new's that a Deadpool film is "In Development" and has been "Confirmed", I'm hoping you don't all get your hopes up too much.
Why do I say that? For one of two reasons:
1) It's being developed by FOX
2) Not all films are able to find their way out of being In Development.
My first point is that it's by Fox, the company that, in the words of fanboys everywhere "Butchered" the character in Wolverine, so I wouldn't get my hopes up too high that this new film will be exactly what you want. Need I remind you all of the Elektra film? Or perhaps, Catwoman? Yeah, I didn't think so. While there being news that it's in the works is good, Fox doesn't exactly have a track record of delivering the good's when it comes to the final product.
My second point is that not all Super Hero films are destined to be released, and if they are, then it's not always particulary soon. Take for example the Justice League film, which not only looks to be stuck in developmental hell, it also doesn't look like it'll have an exactly star filled cast. Or the Wonder Woman film that looked like it could have been a hit when Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse.) was given the chance to write the screenplay, and we all know that if anyone's going to do a "Girl Power" film right, it's Whedon. But still, we've barley heard anything about it in a long time!
My point is that if films like Wonder Woman, arguably A LOT more main stream than Deadpool (I wouldn't actually even say it's an arguable point, to be honest.), aren't likley to be released or done well any time soon, it's not exactly certain that a Deadpool film will see the light of day for a long, long time. If the film does get picked up and they start making it, there's some variables that could help it to either become a HIT or MISS though. The biggest of those being Ryan Reynolds himself, a self-proclaimed Deadpool fanboy. But hey, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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