[TV Series Review] Supernatural Season 1

I've seen every episode of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Bones, Chuck, Veronica Mars, Smallville, True Blood, Heroes and Lost that's currently avaliable to buy or watch on television, so naturaly... I needed a new television series to burn through, and so I picked the next on my long list of show's to watch: Supernatural.

Let's start with a simple explanation of the series, just so you know what kind of show you're dealing with. (Though if the title didn't give you some indication, you're either retarded or just very, very slow.)

Supernatural is the story of two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester. When the two were children, one night their mother put them to bed, only for a disturbance with their baby moniter to cause their mother concern. So she get's up and checks on the younger brother, Sam, in his crib... only to find a dark figure standing over her. She's then telekineticly lifted onto the ceiling, screaming out in pain, which awakens the father. He goes running up stairs to see his wife stuck to the ceiling with her stomach carved open and watches her set alight, as Dean runs in. Their father (John Winchester, because I hate typing "Their Father" or "Dad") gives Sam to Dean and gets the two of them out of the house, as their mothers body promptly explodes into a flurry of flames.

Something like 20 years later, Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) is living happily in college with his girlfriend Jessica when he finds his brother, Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) standing in his room. Dean tells Sam the their father has gone missing on one of his "Hunting Trip's" and so the two of them set out to find him. They don't, but Sam tell's Dean that he lives a normal life now and has no intrest in leaving it. That is until he return home and finds Jessica trapped on the ceiling and being burned to a crisp. Sam escapes just in time, but can't save Jessica. Sam joins up with Dean and the two of them go on the look for their father, solving cases of Hauntings, Monster Attacks and Demonic Possesion along the way. 

I was always quite hesitant to watch Supernatural, partially because I saw an episode of something that I thought was Supernatural a long time ago (It wasn't.) that I didn't particulary enjoy, and also because for some reason, it just didn't sound all that appealing. Not to mention that I hated Jensen Ackles in Smallville and I don't think Jared Padalecki has ever done anything half decent before this. (Or since, really.) But now that I've watched it, I can honestly say that I am now kicking myself for not catching this show sooner. Ackles plays one of the coolest and likeable characters I've seen on television in a long time, and while I'm still not so fond of Sam, he's perfectly acceptable as his role in the series.  Oh and it's produced by McG, so you know it's going to have great special effect's at the very least.

The actual show deals with the history behind the two brothers, why it was that Sam left his brother and father, the search for their father John Winchester (Played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, or The Comedian as you may know him from Watchmen. And man, I love this guy. He's got a natural charisma that shines ever so brightly, I'd liken him to the greatness of Giles, Hugh Jackman in Van Helsing and Lionel Luther from Smallvile.) and their indivigual cases, taking on all sorts of "Supernatural" baddies. While I'll admit that the show doesn't always deliver when it comes to the villians of certain episodes (A particular episode in Season 1 with cursed ground and the "Wild Life" attempting to kill a town's inhabitants was pretty... meh.) but other episodes have me litteraly quivering with fear. (If you have a fear of dead things like the girl from The Ring, then I have no doubt you'll be shitting yourself when it comes to the Bloody Mary episode. Horrifyingly awesome.) 

Even if you're not interested in Horror, most episodes contain quite a bit of Action (With the two brother's weapons of choice being Sawn Off Shotguns. I mean come on, who doesn't look bad ass with a pair of Sawn Off Shotguns?) and the character development makes for a great story on it's own. There's also a lot of humour, mostly from Dean, through out the series, give the show a little bit of everything. If you're not a big fan of the Supernatural, well, even then I'd suggest giving the show a try because it might just be quirky enough for you to enjoy, and if you are a fan, then you're in for a treat with this show as it most always delivers the goods. Supernatural earns itself a 9/10 from me, but then, I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel more than life itself, so if you're not as big a fan of show's with this sort of theme as me, you'll probaly find it to be more of 7/10. Still, totally worth checking out the first series if you've got the cash for the boxset.


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